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Advanced Knowledge Pack
5 Books on Abusive Disorders, Relationships with Abusers, and Respect in Relationships
by Richard Skerritt

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Richard Skerritt's Advanced Knowledge Pack
5 Books for Deep Understanding of the Abusive Disorders, Life and Relationships with them: Narcissist, Borderline, and Sociopath 

The Advanced Knowledge Pack is for someone who’s already made progress accepting and understanding experience in an abusive relationship. It provides in-depth explanation of borderline, narcissistic, and sociopathic personality disorders. It explains in detail the patterns in relationships with disordered partners, and gives deeper reflection on life in and after an abusive relationship.

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Books in this Package (Click the cover image to go to the book's page)

ClickTitleWhat this Title brings to the package
Tears & Healing ReflectionsTears & Healing Reflections offers deeper and more considered thoughts about life experience during and after an abusive relationship.
Surviving the StormSurviving the Storm explains how long term relationships with narcissists deteriorate, how narcissists behave in ending relationships, and gives approaches to minimize contention in divorce.
The Hypervigilant PersonalityThe Hypervigilant Personality gives a comprehensive picture of the psychology and behavior of people with borderline and narcissistic disorder.
Stop Walking on EggshellsStop Walking on Eggshells offers a validating and detailed perspective on borderline (actually also narcissistic) relationships and includes many anecdotal experiences.
The Sociopath Next DoorThe Sociopath Next Door gives a detailed view of how sociopaths behave, with in-depth profiles of three sociopaths.

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My Six Books on Abuse and Abusive Relationships

 Books on Abusive Relationships by Richard Skerritt 
Why They
do It

Meaning from
Madness - $20
Your Feelings
and Decisions

Tears and
Healing - $24

In Love and Loving
It - or Not! - $14
Seeing the
Big Picture

Tears & Healing
Reflections - $24

Surviving the
Storm - $24
Patterns of

The Hypervigilant
Click a cover for more info...              Get three or more books together in a package  and save.

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