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Individual Books:

A comprehensive look at narcissistic and borderline disorders, their cause, how they actually blend together, and the patterns our disordered partners exhibit in many life situations.

An insightful and validating guide to the fight for reality and the emotional journey to safety and hope after living with an abusive partner.

Gives a unique insight into the 3 abusive personality disorders; not lists of criteria, but the underlying psychological driving forces. Why do they do that? This book explains.

Explains how long term relationships with narcissists inexorably deteriorate, how to use your partner’s fears to move toward settlement and avoid conflict, and touches on healing and beginning again.

Being in love is wonderful, until it’s not! Learn what falling in love is, the totally different concept of loving, and how to move your feelings away from an abusive partner.

Life with an abusive partner is far more than shouting and blaming. It affects us in many ways. This book offers deeper reflection on the experiences in and after an abusive relationship.

An inspiring interpretation of the ancient Chinese Tao te Ching, offering a vision of how respect can become the foundation for successful relationships, especially in leadership roles.

The Sociopath Next Door gives a detailed view of how sociopaths behave, with in-depth profiles of three sociopaths.

Stop Walking on Eggshells offers a validating and detailed perspective on borderline (actually also narcissistic) relationships and includes many anecdotal experiences.

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The Light Bulb Pack is for someone who is just starting to face the reality of an intimate abusive relationship, starting to learn about personality disorders and how they lead to abusive behavior, and concerned with the pull of love and attraction toward that abusive relationship.

The Relationship Pack is for someone just starting to face the reality of an abusive relationship that is not intimate. It helps to validate the emotions and experiences, and gives a complete look into the underlying disorders and the irrational and abusive patterns of behavior they lead to.

The Intimate Relationship Pack is for someone just starting to face the reality of an intimate abusive relationship. It helps to validate the emotions and experiences, and gives a complete look into the underlying disorders and the irrational and abusive patterns of behavior they lead to as well as help understanding love and attraction in such a relationship.

The Small Storm Pack helps someone facing the end of a long term relationship. It validates the emotions and decisions, explains the irrational and abusive patterns of behavior, explains the path by which long term relationships deteriorate, and gives approaches to minimize contention in divorce.

The Big Storm Pack helps someone facing the end of a long term relationship. It validates the emotions and decisions, explains the irrational and abusive patterns of behavior, explains the path by which long term relationships deteriorate, and gives approaches to minimize contention in divorce. It adds in-depth explanation of the psychological origin and dysfunctional patterns of behavior, as well as deeper reflections on life in and after an abusive relationship.

The Disorders Pack gives a detailed view of borderline, narcissistic and sociopathic personality disorders, and gives a detailed view of the patterns of behavior for each disorder. It explains how borderline and narcissistic disorders are part of a larger disorder concept that encompasses both borderline and narcissistic disorders. It explains the origin and psychological motivation of this illness and explains in detail the many patterns of behavior that result.

The Borderline Pack gives a detailed view of the behavior patterns that result from borderline personality disorder, and explains how this is part of a larger disorder concept that encompasses both borderline and narcissistic disorders. It explains the origin and psychological motivation of this illness and explains in detail the many patterns of behavior that result.

The Sociopath Pack gives a detailed view of sociopathic behavior, and compares and contrasts this to narcissism – the disorder with which it overlaps and is often confused. It explains the different psychological motivations of these illnesses, and shows the different patterns of behavior they lead to.

The Narcissist Pack gives a detailed view of narcissism. It explains the origin and psychological drivers of this disorder, and the psychological distortions and irrational behaviors that result. It describes in detail the common patterns of behavior in different relationship settings. It describes how long-term relationships deteriorate over time, and the psychological patterns that are triggered when a relationship ends.

The Richard Skerritt Pack contains all seven of Richard Skerritt’s books. It validates the emotions and experience of an abusive relationship; it explains the irrational and abusive behaviors and the patterns that involve in such relationships; it explains the deterioration in long-term relationships and gives suggestions to minimize contention in divorce; offers help with the poll of love and attraction toward such a relationship; gives deeper reflections on life in and after an abusive relationship; and adds Richards philosophical, inspirational teachings on respect in relationships.

The Advanced Knowledge Pack is for someone who’s already made progress accepting and understanding experience in an abusive relationship. It provides in-depth explanation of borderline, narcissistic, and sociopathic personality disorders. It explains in detail the patterns in relationships with disordered partners, and gives deeper reflection on life in and after an abusive relationship.

The Catalog Pack contains all of the books we sell. It includes the Richard Skerritt pack (see its description) and adds books by two other authors that explore borderline and sociopathic disorders in detail.

50 Min Phone Consultation with Richard Skerritt


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